Consumable Innovations Improve Finishing Outcomes
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True to our mantra of “finding a better way…” Rosler Metal Finishing is constantly working to optimize our consumables. These improvements and additions to our offerings improve process stability, cost efficiency, and productivity of surface finishing processes.
From media composition and compounds to wastewater handling, Rosler is dedicated to constant enhancement in the area of consumables as well as our mass finishing and shot blasting technology.
One such example is Rosler’s development of a plastic media with the grinding and non-chip characteristics of ceramic media. Minimizing the risk of work piece damage, this range of high-density plastic media exactly achieves this frequently requested combination.
High-density plastic media
Through their special composition, these plastic grinding media have the same grinding and metal removal characteristics as their ceramic “siblings” yet demonstrate a higher elasticity. This media type also allows faster processing of delicate work pieces made from non-ferrous metals as well as parts that tend to bend during the finishing process.
Liquid, Pumpable Pastes
Another breakthrough are the liquid pastes in the RSP and RPP 8 range. These innovative KeramoFinish® pastes, even though relatively viscous, can be delivered into the machine through a pump and thus can be dosed more precisely in line with the given processing requirements.
Liquid, pumpable paste in the RSP and RPP 8 range
Automatic dosing systems allow further optimization of the overall process. The utilization of such sophisticated dosing systems helps improve process controls and has proven that the desired finishing results can be achieved with less personnel.
Granulated Wastewater Cleaners
New developments can also be reported from the field of wastewater cleaning with recycling systems. Granular pellets are replacing the powder products that were previously used for flocculation and improvement of the sludge consistency.
Granualated flocculant
Granulated flocculants have several advantages. They allow optimized handling without the risk of dust, thus contributing to improved workplace safety. Granular versions also prevent so-called “bridge building” in the dosing units, which can lead to a dosing fault.
The new granulated flocculants can be dosed with existing dosing units and achieves more precise dosing. Precision is very important for processes where process water tends to foam. All these characteristics, in combination with the mechanical stability of the granules and short reaction times, ensure a significantly improved process stability.
New development consumables
The Rosler Way
Finding a better way is more than a saying at Rosler; it’s our passion. We strive to outdo ourselves with each innovation and upgrade in order to offer our clients the most-advanced and best-suited finishing technologies and products. Contact us to discuss your unique challenges and how we can innovate a solution for your needs and goals.