Wet Blasting Equipment & Media, Part 1 – Machines Range in Complexity, Uses
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Because of its many technical advantages and versatility, wet blasting is the fastest-growing segment in the field of shot blasting.
As with dry blasting, the available scope of wet blasting machinery ranges from simple, low-cost blast cabinets to sophisticated, partially or fully automated systems. Customers can choose between a wide spectrum of standard wet blasting equipment, however, for certain applications, special custom-engineered systems may offer the most efficient and cost-effective solution.
The machine type is usually determined by the processing task, the size and shape of the work pieces, and the desired degree of automation. Frequently, multi-axis robots are used for work piece handling or guiding the blast gun movement.
Rosler has extensive experience in wet blasting technology and the development of customized solutions. We have even developed the Rosler PureFinish® system for cleaning stainless steel components for the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries through wet blasting. This system cleans the work piece surface while facilitating cleaning, sterilization, and prohibiting bacterial growth.
Learn more about common types of wet blasting systems and examples of machine use for a glimpse into the technical capabilities wet blasting offers.
Manual Blast Cabinets
Capable of processing work pieces weighing up to 500 lbs (230 kg), the Rosler VB 100 H manual blast cabinet with retractable turntable removes radioactive particles from stainless steel components in nuclear power plants.
Blast cabinets are ideal when a variety of part sizes and materials are processed by a single wet blast system. The cabinets can be equipped with turntables, baskets, blast nozzles, pressure blasting systems, oscillators, and other special auxiliary equipment, making them very versatile. The large side access doors provide clear access to the complete blast chamber.
Satellite Table Machines
The Rosler Satellite Table Machine RWB 72 12/4 is equipped with three blast stations and one load/unload station. Each of the three blast stations houses four blast guns.
Customized to meet the customer’s work piece size and ideal batch times, satellite table machines are built with an indexing satellite table and equipped with a variable number of work stations and blast guns.
The various configurations allow one or more stations to operate while a designated station is loaded/unloaded to allow for continuous processing.
Robotic Wet Blast Machine
Rosler’s robotic RWB models feature robotic movement of the blast gun(s) for treating small- to midsized-work pieces including de-powdering, general cleaning, and surface smoothing.
Capable of processing plastic and metal work pieces, robotic wet blast machines offer all the advantages of regular wet blasting machines with less need for human intervention.
Drop Door Wet Blast Machines with Robotic Gun Movement
Capable of cleaning work pieces of up to 1,000 lbs (460 kg), Rosler’s special ASPE 1520 RH machine with robotic movement is used to remove machining lines from high-precision components.
Ideal for large, heavy work pieces, wet blast machines featuring drop doors and robotic gun movement are often used for oversized and specialized work pieces.
The drop door allows for easy loading and precise positioning of the work piece. The robot can reach all critical areas of the part.
Blast Rooms
Rosler’s Wet Blast ABR 10 x 8 is used for general surface cleaning including the removal of welding lines for all kinds of large, stainless steel components specifically made for the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries.
For manual wet blast cleaning of large, bulky stainless steel components, blast rooms offer useful versatility. They can be built in practically any size.
Finding a better way…
Rosler has more than 80 years of experience in shot blasting. Whatever your wet blasting challenges are, we are confident that we can deliver a solution. Contact us to discuss your needs today!
Previous posts in the Wet Blasting Equipment & Media series include:
- Part 1 – “Machines Range in Complexity, Uses.”
- Part 2 – “Technical Components Combine for Systematic Success.”
- Part 3 – “Maintain Slurry Concentrations for Finishing Consistency.”
Upcoming posts will include:
- Part 4 – “Internal Cleaning, Rebuilds Prolong Machine Lifetime.”
- Part 5 – “Careful Media Selection, Additive Use Impact Results.”
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