Top quality – Rösler installs a convincing new plastic de-flashing system at Berker in in Ottfingen
For over 30 years the Berker GmbH & Co KG has been de-flashing plastic components like switching elements, electrical outlet covers, frames, etc., with Rösler shot blast equipment. The company is mainly using continuous feed systems such as loop and flat belt machines. Berker – since 2010 a member of the Hager Group – is one of the leading manufacturers of high-end electrical components – from timeless classical switches to intelligent electrical systems for buildings. The company also supplies switches for electrical appliances and automobiles.
Because of an increasing production volume at its Wenden-Ottfingen manufacturing location, in 2018 Berker had to invest in an additional shot blast machine. The new investment was intended to replace an existing continuous feed loop belt system with the latest de-flashing technology. The specifications called for increased capacity and a high equipment availability. After the capacity requirements had been established, Rösler developed a system concept that fully met the customer’s technical and economic demands.
Equipped with two direct-drive blast turbines, the new Rösler machine produces excellent de-flashing results combined with an extremely high degree of process stability. This is achieved by a host of technical features like modern PLC controls, an optimized media cleaning and recycling system with vibratory screen and air wash separator, a sensor-controlled media replenishment unit, the automatic replenishment and mixing of anti-static compound, noise protection, an automatic-stand-by module and the Rösler dust collector emitting a minimum of residual dust. An additional bonus was that the new machine design allows the automatic de-flashing of large work pieces, which could not be handled with the old equipment.
The above technical highlights convinced the Berker GmbH & Co. KG to purchase the new continuous feed loop belt blast machine RSBS 1702 from Rösler. Unfortunately, the Corona pandemic caused a delivery delay. But the new plastic de-flashing system could finally be commissioned at the customer’s Wenden location in July 2020.