Injector nozzles connected directly to blast media hopper
High intensity thanks to strong pressure and high blast media acceleration
Easy loading thanks to large front door
Integrated powerful cartridge dust collector
Hardly any dust deposits thanks to steep inspection window
Manual or semi-automatic operation possible
Rösler blast cabinets are flexible and compact standard systems that have proven themselves thousands of times. Its front sliding door provides generous access for loading and unloading work pieces (e.g. with the help of a crane or forklift). We offer abrasive injector blasting (RSKI) as well as pressure blasting (RSKD) versions.
The cabinet design is modular so that components such as rotary tables and rotating baskets can be easily added. A wide range of options is also available (e.g. automatic nozzle movements, advanced blast media preparation, or additional wear protection).
RSKI – Manual abrasive injector blast cabinet
We offer our RSKI in manual or automated version. A decisive advantage of the system in manual operation is the maximum flexibility of the nozzle movement. The system is easy to operate and maintain.
RSKD – Manual pressure blast cabinet
We offer our RSKD in manual or automated version. A decisive advantage of the system in manual operation is the maximum flexibility of the nozzle movement. The system is easy to operate and maintain.