
The shot peening process

Shot peening is an ideal technology to improve the technical characteristics of components exposed to high, alternating loads, such as tensile and bending stress. In our seminar you will obtain a comprehensive overview over the shot peening technology in general, the most important measuring methods and the process monitoring possibilities in conjunction with shot blasting equipment. In addition, in practical exercises you have the opportunity to take almen measurements and, subsequently, analyze your equipment parameters.

We'll get you on track

Seminar/training content:

  • Equipment
  • Measurement and control methods
  • The most common media for shot peening
  • Practical shot peening examples

Target groups:
Technical personnel with different professional backgrounds from the areas production, work preparation, quality control, product development and production planning.

Expand your knowledge in the field of shot blasting by participating in the training session „SB.1 Introduction to shot blasting“.


Expert of Rösler

Your trainer:

Name: Stefan Baumann

With Rösler OberflÀchentechnik since: 2003

Main activity: Segment Manager Sales Shot peening

Certified specialist trainer: SB.3 The shot peening process

Motivation to be a trainer:

  • Knowledge transfer in a very specific segment
  • Customer contact


Appointments on request by phone +49 9533 924 -699 or by email