RHBE-F spinner hanger blast machines equipped with Gamma 400G turbines offer excellent shot blasting results and overhead rail systems for the foundry industry and others.
Rosler offers flexibility and reliability for the forge and foundry industries with its RHBE spinner hanger blast machines. Known as the foundry version, the RHBE-F model is a highly flexible shot blasting system with an extra sturdy design engineered for the harsh operating conditions in foundries.
The RHBE-F is equipped with Gamma 400G turbine blades to offer short cycle times and excellent results. It can be used for many applications, including descaling, rust removal, and blast cleaning. For de-sanding, special filter cartridges are available.
Machine Benefits

Equipped with overhead rail systems, these shot blasting units are recommended for the treatment of sensitive parts that cannot be tumbled in bulk loads and for particularly complex, heavy, or large parts.
RHBE-F machines offer effective shot blasting and efficiency thanks to:
- Easily accessible loading and unloading areas.
- Batch processing with 100% batch integrity.
- Sophisticated dust extraction systems.
- Overlapping, easily removable wear liners.
- Minimal maintenance costs.
- High system availability.
Parts are mounted on a hook and transported into the blasting chamber. The simultaneous rotating and oscillating movement of the hook ensures that the blasting media, accelerated by the multiple turbines, reaches every component, providing the best possible uniform blasting result.
Rosler overhead rail units are very versatile, and their compact design requires minimum floor space.
Machine Configurations

RHBE-F machines can be equipped with two, three, or four Gamma 400G blades each, magnetic separators, pneumatic doors, and vibratory conveyors come standard. Blast chamber walls are .4 in (10 mm) thick manganese steel walls with an additional .4 or 1 inch (10 or 25 mm) thickness of wear plates added on the ceiling and opposite the turbines.
These models can accommodate work pieces weighing up to 5.5 tons (5,000 kg), 11 ft (3 m) in length, and 2.5 ft (0.8 m) high.
For additional configuration and capacity information,
view pages 12-15 of Forge & Foundry Industry brochure.